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Use this ovulation calculator to determine your ovulation day

Why You Need An Ovulation Calculator

Why use an ovulation calculator? A woman can be sure of getting pregnant if her egg and sperm meet. Normally, every woman’s body releases one egg from the ovary on a monthly basis. This is called ovulation. The egg and sperm need to meet soon…

Menopause: All That You Need to Know

Menopause is usually not problematic Introduction A woman who has not had menstrual periods for 12 consecutive months and cannot become pregnant naturally may have entered menopause. Usually, menopause age spans between the ages of 45 and 55. However, it can occur before or after…

Vaginitis symptoms, causes and treatment

Vaginitis is treatable What is vaginitis? Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina which may cause itching, discharge and pain. It is easier to manage vaginitis when you understand vaginitis symptoms, the causes and the treatment options available.   Vaginitis is a common gynecological problem.…

Excess Vaginal Discharge: All You Need to Know

Excess vaginal discharge is usually normal Is excess vaginal discharge a cause for concern? Excess vaginal discharge is not always a cause for concern. For example, some factors such as ovulation and arousal may affect the amount of vaginal discharge you have. However, excess vaginal…
Call your doctor for your absent menstruation (no menses)

Causes of No Menses (Absent Menstruation)

Amenorrhea can be treated effectively What is absent menstruation? Absent menstruation (no menses) is the absence of menstrual periods. It is also known as amenorrhea. Women who have missed 3 to 6 consecutive menstrual periods have no menses. Similarly, girls who have not started menstruating…
Sleep well to get over insomnia symptoms

Painful Menstruation: All You Need to Know

Do you have abdominal cramps? What is painful menstruation? Menstruation is the shedding of the uterine lining once a month. It occurs as blood passing out through a small cervical opening and the vagina. Usually, painful menstruation or discomfort during menstrual periods is normal. However,…