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Benefits of Barley For Good Health

One of the benefits of barley is maintenance of healthy teeth

Healthy teeth, skin and hair – benefits of barley

What are the benefits of barley?

The 20 amazing benefits of barley discussed here will help keep your body healthy, and functioning properly. So, eat barley regularly and gain its full benefits.

For additional information on barley including its definition, types and recipes, among others, I suggest you look up the previous post titled health benefits of barley you should embrace.

Here are 20 amazing benefits of barley

1.Barley is high in soluble and insoluble fibre

Barley improves digestion following its intake. It has a high insoluble fibre content that helps to improve intestinal health.

Barley contains mostly insoluble fibre which does not dissolve in water. The fibre content adds bulk to the stool, increasing the movement of the intestine and reducing the possibility of constipation (1).

2.Reduces Hunger

Barley improves the feeling of fullness and reduces hunger which may lead to loss of weight over time. Reduction in hunger is due largely to its content of high soluble fibre known as beta-glucan.

Beta-glucan forms a gel-like substance in the gut which slows down the process of food digestion and absorption, thereby reducing appetite and promoting fullness (2, 3, 4).

Research has shown that beta-glucan is effective in reducing appetite and consumption of food (5).

3.Reduces Cholesterol levels

Discussion on the benefits of barley will not be complete without a mention of the beta-glucan’s role in lowering cholesterol.

Beta-glucan helps reduce low density lipoproteins cholesterol otherwise known as the bad cholesterol. Beta-glucan binds to bile acids, which the liver produces from cholesterol, and the body removes the bile acids via the feces.

The liver utilizes more cholesterol to produce more bile acids, thereby reducing the amount of blood cholesterol (6).

4.Reduces risk of heart disease

There is a close association between whole grains and improved heart health. To this end, if you regularly include barley in your diet you may be reducing your risk of heart disease.

Barley reduces certain well known risk factors of heart disease such as high LDL cholesterol and high blood pressure. It may reduce LDL cholesterol levels, while its soluble fibre content helps in lowering of blood pressure levels (7).

Research has shown that a daily intake of 8.7g of soluble fibre may lead to the reduction of blood pressure by 0.3-1.6mmHg (8). Therefore, your heart is protected when you control your blood pressure and reduce your high LDL cholesterol.

5.Helps prevent cancers

Among the benefits of barley is a close link between a diet rich in whole grains and reduced risk of chronic diseases including cancers of the colon (9, 10). The high fibre content of barley plays a key role in this.

Barley’s insoluble fibre content helps reduce the time it takes for food to clear the gut. This helps improve intestinal health and protect against colon cancers.

In addition, barley’s soluble fibre may bind to intestinal carcinogens and remove them from the body (11, 12).

Other benefits of barley include compounds found in barley such as phytic acid, saponins, antioxidants and phenolic acids which may protect against cancers (13).

However, we need more studies before we can draw strong conclusions on barley’s role in reducing colonic cancers.

6.Barley is high in nutrients

Barley is available in many forms including flour, barley grits, flakes and hulled barley. It is rich in important plant compounds, minerals and vitamins.

Pearl barley is processed with the removal of hull and all or some of the outer bran layer. All the other barley forms are eaten as the whole grain.

When you eat barley as a whole grain, it provides you with a rich source of manganese, molybdenum, selenium and fibre. It also contains vitamin B1, phosphorous, chromium, niacin, copper and magnesium (14).

Barley is rich in lignans which are antioxidants associated with reduction in the risk of heart disease and cancer (3).

Remember, however, that barley, like all whole grains, also has antinutrient property which reduces food digestion and absorption.

To mitigate against this effect, try and sprout or soak the grain to reduce its antinutrient content. These methods of preparation improve the absorption of barley’s nutrients (15, 16).

You are likely to increase the levels of antioxidant, minerals, vitamin and protein if you soak and sprout barley (17, 18). You can bake with sprouted barley flour.

Benefits of barley include its versatility and low cost

Barley is versatile and cheap

7.Barley is cheap and versatile

Barley’s versatility, cost-effectiveness and easy addition to diet are some of the important benefits of barley.

Barley is easy to add to your diet and cheap to buy. It can make a wonderful alternative to refined grains. You can use barley as a side dish instead of white pasta or couscous, and a good alternative to risotto or pilaf.

Similarly, you can add barley to stews, loaves, soups, salads, stuffings or eat it as part of a cereal breakfast. You can as well buy whole grain bread containing barley.

You can add barley to desserts especially barley ice and barley pudding. Also, add barley to a variety of savory dishes. Barley can be eaten warm or cold.

8.Helps prevent gallstones

Gallstones are solid particles that may form in the gallbladder. When this occurs, large gallstones may get stuck in a gallbladder duct, causing severe pain. Otherwise, gallstones do not cause symptoms.

Gallbladder is a bile acid-producing small organ, situated under the liver. The body makes use of the bile acids to digest fat. The high fibre content of barley helps prevent formation of gallstones in the gallbladder.

If gallstones get impacted in a duct of your gall bladder, it will require surgery to remove the gallstones.

The insoluble fibre content of barley is responsible for preventing the formation of gallstones, and therefore, reduction in the possibility of gallbladder surgery.

This benefit of barley was confirmed in a 16-year observational study which showed that women with high intake of of fibre were 13% less likely to have large gallstones that require surgery.

It is important to note that 10% drop in the risk of gallstones occurs for every 5g increase in the intake of insoluble fibre (19). The benefit is therefore dose-dependent.

Another study compared the effect of two rapid weight loss diets on obese people. The participants were placed on rapid weight loss diets rich in fibre and protein for five weeks.

It has been found that rapid weight loss may increase the risk of having gallstones.

Result showed that participants that ate diet high in fibre had gallbladders three times healthier than those that ate diet rich in proteins (20).

Diabetes prevention is one of the benefits of barley

Doctors treating a patient with diabetes complication

9.Magnesium and soluble fibre content of barley protects against diabetes

We should not lose sight of the benefits of barley linked to the role magnesium and soluble fibre content of barley play in protecting against diabetes mellitus.

Barley helps improve insulin secretion and lower blood glucose levels. As a result, it may lower your risk of type 2 diabetes.

The magnesium content of barley helps in the production of insulin and the use of blood glucose (21). The soluble fibre content of barley binds with molecules including water as it moves through the gut. As a result, it slows down the absorption of glucose into the blood stream (22, 23).

Research has shown that a barley-containing breakfast lowers the rise of blood glucose and insulin levels compared to a breakfast comprising other whole grains like oats (24).

Another study had participants with impaired fasting glucose given either barley flakes or oatmeal daily. Three months later, participants that ate barley had reduced fasting blood glucose of 9-13% more than those that ate oatmeal (25).

10.Helps improve blood level

The blood boosting benefits of barley lies in its composition of iron and B vitamins.

Anemia is the lack of blood in the body. It commonly affects people all over the world. It results from iron deficiency or B vitamins deficiency, particularly vitamin B12.

Good nutrition helps improve blood level and treat anemia. In this light, barley has been proven to help improve blood level, and therefore treat anemia.

But how?

Barley, particularly barley grass powder is a rich source of vitamin B12 and iron. Vitamin B12 helps the body fight diseases and prevent weakness.

Barley’s iron helps produce red blood cells and increase the volume of blood. Therefore, try and drink glass of barley grass juice every morning on an empty stomach and get the best benefits of barley.

11.Reduces arthritis symptoms

Barley is rich in copper which helps to reduce the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Copper removes harmful free radicals, and therefore helps in cell regeneration.

An article by Michigan State University suggests that consumption of high fibre diet reduces inflammation of the joints (26). It suggests that the soluble fibre content of barley helps in nutrients absorption and reduction of pain related to arthritis.

Copper plays an important role in the cross-linkage between elastin and collagen. As a result, it helps make bones and joints flexible. Barley is also rich in phosphorus and calcium, and so good for the overall health of bones.

12.Promotes healthy teeth

The benefits of barley with respect to maintenance of healthy teeth and bones cannot be overemphasized.

Barley contains several nutrients that are important in maintaining healthy teeth. These nutrients include minerals, essential vitamins, calcium, manganese, copper and phosphorus.

Barley juice is very rich in calcium, providing more calcium than milk does. This contributes significantly to the overall health and strength of teeth.

Research has shown that barley juice helps treat symptoms related to osteoporosis, reduces the risk of having osteoporosis and prevent osteoporosis,

Scientists all over the world agree that whole grains including barley promote the health of teeth and bones.

Health pregnancy is one of the benefits of barley

Healthy pregnancy

13.Improves health during pregnancy

The FDA recommends an intake of barley during pregnancy. This will provide a wide range of nutrients and fibre during pregnancy (27).

Barley is a powerhouse of antioxidants, fibre and nutrients. Drinking barley water helps promote digestion, and ease morning sickness.

It also helps control blood glucose levels and prevent the risk of gestational diabetes. Barley also causes diuresis, and therefore prevents retention of water during pregnancy.

The University of Rochester wrote an article that points out the need to eat the right food before conception as that can impact the health of both a woman and the baby during pregnancy.

14.Boosts immunity

Scientists say that improved immune system is one of the benefits of barley. Research shows that if you consume barley regularly, it helps improve wound healing and helps the body fight cold and flu (28).

As previously mentioned here, barley contains beta-glucan. This type of fibre is rich in antioxidants. Barley is also high in vitamin C which is known to boost immune system.

When you take barley along with antibiotics, barley helps promote the effectiveness and function of the drugs.

15.Prevents urinary tract infections

Barley water is a powerful diuretic, helping in the production of urine. It keeps the urinary tract healthy and prevent urinary tract infection.

A qualitative study done in Boston area in 2012 explored the experiences of participants who had urinary tract infections and how they treated the infections.

About 151 participants were interviewed on home remedies they relied on to treat their conditions.

Findings revealed that most Hispanic men and women relied more on barley water as one of the best remedies for urinary tract infections (29).

16.Heals, hydrates, brightens, and improves skin health

Barley is rich in zinc which helps to heal the skin and repair skin wounds. Barley powder helps reduce facial lesions or wounds.

You can take barley water orally or apply on your skin as a paste regularly. It works maximally on skin lesions after a few months of regular use.

A study done in Korea to assess the hydration effects of barley revealed an increase in the hydration levels on the faces and forearms of the participants (30). Skin hydration promotes anti-aging.

Barley’s anti-inflammatory properties help reduce acne and fights skin infection when you apply barley water on the skin.

Barley acts as a gentle exfoliator, controls oil secretion and brightens the skin tone.

You can derive more skin benefits of barley when you apply a paste of barley flour and lemon juice on your face. Allow it to dry or leave for 10 – 15 minutes. Then wash it off with cold water. Your skin will look refreshed after that.

The large amounts of selenium in barley will help keep your skin toned, maintain its elasticity, and prevent the oxidative damage from free radicals.

Selenium also helps the heart, immune system and pancreas to function properly. The proper functioning of these organs reflect on your face.

17.Reduces risk of asthma

Evidence shows that exposing infants to whole grains may help reduce their risk of developing asthma.

A study was conducted in Finland in 2013 to assess the association between whole grains and allergic diseases among infants introduced to certain whole grains including barley (31).

Results showed that infants who ate barley at the age of 5-5.5 months had a low risk of developing asthma in early childhood (31).

18.Barley cures impotence

Barley grass contains nitric oxide and arginine which help in penile erection. So, it can be used to treat penile dysfunction.

It is also known that arginine can increase the production of spermatozoa and egg cells.

You are advised to drink a glass of barley grass juice regularly. This will, among other benefits of barley, stimulate good sexual performance in men and women.

19.Promotes hair growth, fights hair loss and restores hair color

There are many benefits of barley for your hair. For example, barley is high in niacin, procyamidin-B3 and thiamin which help promote hair growth.

Also, barley contains iron and copper which help to not only treat anemia but also produce red blood cells. This process helps fight hair loss.

In addition, the high amount of copper in the barley helps produce melanin and restore the original hair color.

Reduction in visceral fat is one of the benefits of barley

Visceral fat

20.Reduces visceral fat

Scientists say that visceral fat accumulation may lead to high risk of cardiovascular disease.

Research has shown that people with high cholesterol who add barley to their diet will have reduced serum cholesterol and visceral fat.

Those were all the benefits of barley for your overall health and wellbeing. Avail yourself of this wonderful whole grain and improve your health for good.

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