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Parents, governments, health workers and teens themselves work together to prevent teen pregnancy

Important Tips For Preventing Teen Pregnancy

Teen pregnancy prevention

A woman gets pregnant if she has vaginal sex with a man at any age after she has started having regular menstrual periods. Teen pregnancy across the world has declined marginally over time. But the question remains how can unplanned pregnancy among teenagers be prevented?

It is a teen pregnancy fact that many teenage girls aged between 15 and 19 in America still get pregnant before they turn the age of 20. This means that America has one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the world.

About 23% of teenage girls aged 15-19 years in Nigeria have started childbearing. About 17% have had their first child and 5% are pregnant for the first time. Also, 32% of teenage girls in rural areas of Nigeria have started childbearing, as opposed to 10% in the urban areas.

England has a relatively high rate of teen pregnancy compared to other western countries. These are shocking statistics that adults and teenagers alike should be active in teen pregnancy prevention.

There are high socio-economic and health costs for teenage mothers and their children.

In preventing teen pregnancy, three important factors are key. They include: sex education, abstinence and contraception.

The role of parents in preventing teen pregnancies

1. Parents should talk about sex and pregnancy

When a child reaches the age of about 13, parents should be active in approaching their child about their thoughts and ideas of sex. Sex education is important here. Similarly, parents should also discuss with their girl child the possible consequences of the sexual act.

Talking about sex and pregnancy can initially be embarrassing for both parents and their child. However it will pay off in the long run as education and knowledge is the best way to prevent teen pregnancy.

Talk to your child about the sexually transmitted diseases and the risk of pregnancy. In addition, talk to her about pregnancy prevention methods such as abstinence and contraception.

2. Abstinence

The safest path towards teen pregnancy prevention is abstinence. Not having sexual intercourse will mean that you will never have to worry about catching any diseases or unwanted pregnancies which will ultimately change your entire life.

Though there will undoubtedly be a lot of peer pressure to have sex, abstaining from sex now will only mean that you will be 100% ready when you do decide to take that step.

3. Contraception

The two most popular forms of teen pregnancy prevention come in the form of the condom and the pill. The condom is a rubber latex glove that is placed over the penis during sex to prevent semen from entering the vagina. The condom will not only protect you from possible diseases that can be transmitted through the semen but also from teen pregnancy.

Teen pregnancy facts suggest that there are also a large number of teens now taking the birth control pill, and this number is increasing yearly. The birth control pill is taken every day and releases hormones in the body to stop your body from ovulating. If you don’t ovulate, then no egg will be released and therefore there will be no egg for the sperm to fertilize.

If birth control pill is taken every day, the pill is reliable in terms of pregnancy prevention. However, the pill does not stop you from catching sexually transmitted diseases and infections so you must still be careful.

However, long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARC) such as intrauterine devices (IUDs) and implants are the most effective types of birth control for teens. They are safe to use and do not a daily routine. They can prevent pregnancy for 3 to 10 years. In fact, more than 99% of LARC users would not be pregnant during the first year of use.

The media often portrays teens regularly having sex. But you don’t need to buy into this. The media isn’t real and it is perfectly normal to wait until you are ready or for the right person to come along before having sex.

The only 100% way to prevent teen pregnancy from occurring is to not have sex at all.

Prevent teen pregnancy by abstaining from sex
Teen pregnancy prevention is achieved by abstinence

The role of healthcare providers in preventing teen pregnancies

Health workers should encourage teens not to have sex. Additionally, teens should know about the use of LARC as a safe and effective choice of method for birth control for them.

Discuss other birth control options with the teens including their pros and cons. Healthcare providers should know how to fix LARC and have enough supplies for use.

They should remind teens that LARC does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, condoms should also be used every time they have sex.

The role of government in preventing teen pregnancies

Governments at all levels should support efforts at preventing teen pregnancy by providing affordable family planning services.

Also, Governments should develop clinical guidance for effective and safe use of birth control. There is need to focus attention on communities where teen pregnancies and births are highest.

The role of teens in preventing teen pregnancies

Teens can choose not to have sex. They should talk openly to their parents or other trusted adults about how they can get birth control if they choose to be sexually active.

Teens can speak with their healthcare providers to learn about the best types of birth control. They can then choose what is best for them, and use it and condoms correctly every time. They can find a nearby clinic that provides birth control.

But what if an unplanned pregnancy occurs?

Vaginal sexual activity without the use of contraception is the most common cause of unplanned pregnancy. Pregnancy is often a pleasant surprise. Of course, there are times that pregnancy can come as a shock, and in this context, to a teenage girl. What if she is your daughter?

Although most unplanned pregnancies are still pleasant surprises, it doesn’t make the situation much easier. So if a teenage girl gets pregnant despite all efforts to prevent it from happening, there are steps she can take to make her pregnancy a pleasant experience.

Birth control with LARC is effective in preventing teen and unplanned pregnancy
LARC is safe and the most effective in preventing teen pregnancy

Here are five tips for dealing with unplanned pregnancies

1. Speak with a confidante

Though difficult, speak with a friend or family member you can trust. You’ll need someone who will be supportive and not condescending. It’s already an emotional time for you. The last thing you need is the added stress of defending the pregnancy.

Having informed family members, she needs all the support she could get to wade through this phase of her life. Parents can then help her navigate through these other steps outlined below.

2. Expect and prepare for varying responses from people

Once you’re past the initial stages of finding out about your pregnancy, prepare yourself for the varying responses of other people. You may get receptions that are congratulatory, and you may get some who are judgmental. Be prepared for both. Also remember that what’s done is done. It’s not constructive to look back in regret, anger, or despair. It is better to look forward and to make the best of the surprise situation.

3. Join support groups

Don’t feel as if you’re alone. Unplanned pregnancies happen to many people. There are support groups both online and offline available to help you through this confusing time in your life. Seek their counsel. Don’t be afraid to voice your own fears and concerns. You may find the sessions very therapeutic.

4. Inform the baby’s father

Prepare to inform the baby’s father. Obviously it won’t be easy, and you’ll get a varying range of responses from excitement to denial. Hopefully, the father will be supportive and can help you through the pregnancy.

5. Take care of yourself and the pregnancy

Be aware that your body is in a different state. Because you’re now pregnant, your body is flooded with hormones and is transforming every day. Take this into account when talking with people and prioritizing your life.


When faced with a teen pregnancy that is unplanned, it is not always easy to decide what to do. It is important for the teenage girl therefore to talk with trusted people in her life. After confirming with an ultrasound scan, these people can help her reach her decision about the pregnancy.

Further, taking close family members and friends into confidence will help provide her with support and information.

She needs all the counselling she can get. Parents can take their teenage girl with unplanned pregnancy to a professional counsellor. A counsellor can provide her and the parents with comprehensive, impartial information on her pregnancy options, and enable them to consider the options.

Finally, counsellors will support you in making a fully informed decision.

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