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Is Ultrasound in Pregnancy Necessary?

Diagnostic ultrasound in pregnancy
Ultrssound in pregnancy

What is an ultrasound in pregnancy?

An ultrasound in pregnancy is a pregnancy test that uses high-frequency sound waves to examine the developing baby and the mother’s reproductive organs.

In 2010, research found that the use of fetal and umbilical Doppler ultrasound does not benefit low-risk mother or baby.

The journal, Obstetrics and Gynecology, estimated that over half of all pregnant women in 1990 had undergone diagnostic pregnancy ultrasound.

Yet research published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) suggests that 80 percent of all pregnant women are very low risk and do not need ultrasounds. The unnecessary ultrasounds cost about $1 Billion per year.

According to the NEJM, any woman who is told she needs an ultrasound should ask about the potential benefits of the test and the risks of the procedure. Also, she should ask if the results of the ultrasound will affect her care she would otherwise receive and how. If the result of the ultrasound will not affect her care, she may question the need for the test at all.

Only after being completely informed about the need for the test, the benefits, and the risks, should she sign a consent for the procedure, the journal concludes.

Moreover, look up home pregnancy test for pregnancy determination.

What is the use of ultrasound in pregnancy?

According to the ACOG patient education flier, “Ultrasound is not necessary for every woman or in every pregnancy.” It is, however, being used more often as a standard procedure for every pregnant woman.

Some common uses include diagnosing and detecting uterine or ectopic pregnancy; and noting pelvic inflammatory disease, cysts, tumors uterine cancer, endometriosis and congenital abnormalities.

Further, ultrasound may compare fetal age and weight, note the placement of the placenta, and amount of amniotic fluid that is present. It may also diagnose certain birth defects such as neural tube defects.

Additionally, doctors use ultrasound during an amniocentesis to verify the baby’s position to be sure that the needle is placed properly.

Some physicians use ultrasound for estimating the fetal weight. However, this is not a very accurate measurement unless they check numerous criteria and scans. Head circumference is one measurement. In cases of gestational diabetes, for example, it is inaccurate because these babies gain the additional weight on their bodies only.

Ultrasounds are frequently used to date pregnancies. According to Otto and Platt, 1991, in the first trimester the error range is +5 days, in the second trimester it increases to +8 days and if done in the final trimester it is +22 days.

Is pregnancy ultrasound risky?

No one knows the long-term effects of ultrasound use. However, many practitioners feel that the technology is perfectly safe since studies of babies and their mothers have not determined any effects. Other practitioners are not so convinced of ultrasound safety and feel that judicious use is advised.

Above all, it should be remembered that x-rays were in use for 50 years before the public became aware of detrimental effects. DES and thalidomide also were deemed safe and were later found to be the cause of cancer, sterility and anomalies.

What is current research saying on diagnostic ultrasound?

Non-diagnostic ultrasound has demonstrated biological effects such as cell heating or thermal effects and cavitational activities using plants and animals. These experiments have had various outcomes and are difficult to equate with human outcomes.

Also, diagnostic ultrasound uses far lower intensities. The current epidemiologic data finds no adverse outcomes from ultrasound use. Many researchers believe that the benefits of diagnostic ultrasound outweigh the risks.

Human studies have not documented negative outcomes except for one study which showed increased fetal activity for the majority of exposed babies when scanned with the Doppler.

Is there an overuse of ultrasound technology?

Some consumer groups have questioned the need for ultrasound equipment in doctor offices.

They claim that in order to pay for the equipment, physicians will order unnecessary ultrasounds. Not only does this increase the exposure of unnecessary technology, but it also raises the total cost of care and may lead to additional unnecessary and costly interventions.

Possibly the greatest risk of overuse of ultrasound technology is that if an ultrasound raises a question of fetal well-being, invasive and high risk procedures and technologies may be instituted which do have clear risks to the mother or her baby.

Diagnostic pregnancy ultrasound

But Is pregnancy ultrasound necessary?

The answer is YES! It is in fact a gateway to your baby. Pregnancy ultrasound is an awesome technology. With ultrasound, you get to see your baby even before he is a baby. There is no known risk to you or your baby from ultrasound during pregnancy.

Ultrasound machines use high-pitched sound waves (250 times higher-pitched than can be heard by the human ear), transmitted through the abdominal wall to produce an echo image of your pelvis.

By moving the transducer (the ultrasound transmitter) appropriately, the technician can see the different areas of anatomy, along with your baby, in the pelvis during pregnancy.

If it is very early in your pregnancy, the ultrasound technician may use a slender transducer in the vagina to visualize the uterus more easily. When you are further along in your pregnancy, the technician will place ultrasound conducting gel on the lower abdomen for your ultrasound.

What are the benefits of pregnancy ultrasound?

The amount of useful information gained from a pregnancy ultrasound examination depends on several factors. For instance, during fetal scans, the gestational age, maternal size and amount of amniotic fluid can limit the detail of an exam.

During a pregnancy ultrasound examination, you can see if you are having twins or multiples, which way the baby is positioned in the uterus, the location of the placenta, fetal heart and limb motion, and the amount of amniotic fluid.

Pregnancy ultrasound will help help determine the health status of the baby before embarking on exercise in pregnancy or massage. It may also detect causes of early pregnancy spotting and discharge.

In addition, measurement of various fetal parts can be made in order to estimate the age of your baby and to assure that fetal growth is normal.

The most amazing parts of the pregnancy ultrasound are seeing your little baby’s heartbeat. You will also see the individual hair on the head, the rapid movements or kicks, and the profile. If you want to know the sex of your baby, you can see that too, usually at 18-20 weeks.

Pregnancy ultrasound is necessary

Final thoughts on pregnancy ultrasound

Over the past few years, a new ultrasound technology has emerged. 3D ultrasound, often used in pregnancy, actually generates 3D pictures of your baby. Now, you can see exactly what he looks like before he’s even born.

Whether you know it or not, there is probably a 3D pregnancy ultrasound clinic near you. Your doctor may even view your pregnancy with 3D ultrasound in his/her office! 

So do not hesitate to go for pregnancy ultrasound scan when recommended by your doctor.

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